I’m an overthinker.
It’s just how my brain is built. Overthinking used to cost me so much: 😴 sleep because I would struggle with insomnia either initially falling asleep or in the middle of the night as I would comb back over all the interactions and conversations I would have in a day. 🕝 time because I would waste so much of it in a spiral of overthinking and overanalyzing. Rereading emails countless times before I hit send. Picking apart emails sent to me to try and interpret their real meaning. 😀 confidence and happiness as I struggled with SO MUCH. But not anymore. Now I do still overthink but only in a way that serves me and my clients (like all the reasons why someone may say “no” to you after an interview). I no longer overthink anything else. It was a 2 part recovery program. First I had to learn how to stop it in the moment and then I learned how to stop it FOR GOOD. I’m teaching you BOTH parts in this week’s YouTube video - you can find it here!
We’re always looking for that magic pill when it comes to life. You know, you pop it once and then poof, you get the result you want?
Whether it’s being in perfect shape, doubling our salary, finding a spouse, changing our careers. Well what if I told you that there was a magic pill when it came to our career goals. That there is this one simple thing that will guarantee that you accomplish any goal you set, no matter how impossible it seems? It does exist. And once I started taking it I’ve accomplished every goal I’ve set for myself. And this week I’m letting you in on the secret so make sure you watch. I want to build a future where our leaders build sustainable businesses, where bottom line growth and pandering to shareholders are not their top priority.
I want this because I want leaders who truly care and support their workforce as I truly believe that is the real key to success not just in today’s world but, and maybe even more importantly, in the future. Which is why I’m always so disheartened when I see list after list of the top skills needed by leaders and I notice some massive gaps. They are missing the actual key skills to not only lead effectively today but also tomorrow. So I’m taking to my YouTube this week to break these skills down for you. Head on over here to watch. This isn’t the first time (and trust me it won’t be the last) I’ve talked about it this year, I was interviewed by Authority Magazine earlier on this very topic - you can go read that article here! |
AuthorSara Curto helps people find a career they love by teaching them a new way to job search. The Secrets to finding a job you loveClick HERE to watch
July 2024