My business was growing better than I even imagined.
So why did I feel like I was failing? Why was my confidence at an all time low? It was Fall 2019 and my confidence was in the gutter. It was a turning point though because I learned that our brains don’t give a damn about what’s actually going on in our lives. We can have evidence that things are going well. And still feel unworthy. It’s why we can’t depend on things outside of ourselves to feel confident. Which is amazing when you really think about it – confidence is ALWAYS there, ready and waiting for us. We just have to discover it. Good news? I know how. I’ve uncovered the 5 steps to building confidence and in this week’s mini-training I’m going to teach them to you, in less than 10 minutes! Click here to watch the video. Watch it and then comment below it your questions and your biggest takeaway!
I overanalyze EVERYTHING. It’s one of my greatest weaknesses.
Which means it’s also one of my greatest strengths. Weakness because it can definitely lead me to spending A LOT of time in information gathering mode. Not moving forward due to Analysis Paralysis. Strength because my overanalyzing every little thing in the job search means that you don’t have to too. I know that you probably spend a lot of time in the weakness of overanalysis. Googling to gather all the data and information you feel you need to do things perfectly. Tricking yourself that you’re being productive, one step closer to an amazing job. Time spent not actually looking for a job. Harsh, I know but a truth you need to hear. You can outsource that to me. I spend a lot of time reading, talking with peers, staying connected to the recruitment industry. I’ll tell you the 360 of it – my opinion, the opinions of others. So that you spend less time thinking about your job search and more time in your search. It’s how you find a job in half the time. I apply my overanalysis to your job search mistakes in this week’s mini-training where I break down the 4 FATAL job search mistakes that you’re making right now. I’m talking specific things like: 1. Waste time on bad jobs (applying to jobs you don’t even really want). 2. Don’t keep track of applications 3. Don’t customize your resume 4. Don’t follow up Watch the training to learn what to do instead. Comment below the video with your job search mistakes and I'll help you fix them. Are you letting your career just happen to you?
I thought I couldn't control my career which is why I wasted 15 years in a career that just wasn’t meant for me. I was successful in it but it was me frantically hustling and white knuckling that success. Totally distracted busyness. It was a way for me to feel better about it. I had to slow down and take back control. In this mini training, I'm going to teach you the 4 steps that I took to finally owning that this is MY career and it's up to ME to figure out what I really want: 1. Purposeful Introspection 2. Plan Your Execution 3. Plan Your Rest 4. Love Yourself Click here to watch. |
AuthorSara Curto is the career coach that has helped 600+ people find their dream job, where they work less, make more and finally feel happy & fulfilled doing work they love. Free: how to find your dream job guideClick HERE to grab the free guide
January 2025