I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the writing pieces I’ve written for my creative writing class!
We were challenged to write in a style that we don’t write in, so I chose supernatural fantasy. Honestly I struggled with an idea for this, I didn’t really want to expand on my last piece (Eliana and Viktor) but then I remembered the movie I wrote. You see in university I wrote three movies. All in my head. With scene details, song choices, camera angles. Weird I know. One of those movies was about a vampire. So I took the opening scene and changed it up a bit to suit the story I would want to tell now as an adult. In the “movie” the opening scene is set to the song of Black Black Heart by David Usher, I invite you to listen to the song as you read. Black Black Heart by Sara Curto I make my way across the green of the University of Michigan’s campus, people moving out of my way as if I willed it. I am willing it. I feel him, I’m getting closer. My love. Millenniums and Centuries of waiting. Two decades of feeling him in the world and now I’m yards away. I am the vampire. Daughter of the demon Lilith. Born 4000 years ago to be the creator of the vampire race, a race that has grown in power ever since. Betrothed to my beloved Khafra, the light to my darkness, the man I would give everything for. He knew of my nature, and yet loved me and devoted his life to me, under one condition. I was never to turn him. A promise I kept when on our wedding night he was taken from me. I held him, my red tears mixing with the pools of his own blood, begging him to let me keep him forever. He promised with his last few breathes to come back to me, to be reborn again and again to live by my side. Our souls were intertwined in that moment. He, too, kept his promise. He has been reborn many times, I always feel it in my body and then I go searching. The search brought me to the time of the Romans and its ever-expanding empire. To find his soul leaving the body of a 5 year old girl, too soon. I made her family pay for not caring for her well enough. I traveled by sea to the lands of what you now call China. They knew. That something was off about me, the whispering of a golden-haired, black-eyed bloodsucker beat me to every village. I slaughtered and pillaged my way to his bedside, this time in an old man’s body days after his soul had departed. I fought against some of the evillest souls this earth has seen, for while I am a demon and a vampire I am not at my core, evil, during the years I waited for him. I was relentless, the piles of bodies growing around me as I caused mass destruction. A century ago, I got so close to him. I felt his soul be birthed across an ocean and by the time I found him, this time a woman in her teens giving birth to her 5th child, I fought my way to her bedside locking eyes with my beloved just as the life drained from them. And then nothing, until 21 years ago. I was gallivanting around Europe with my child, Mary (she was born Meresankh) when I felt it, the flutter. A weak flutter, all the people and technology make it more difficult for my senses to pick up on the minute wavelengths. So, while I can travel much quicker (unlike myth, I can not fly), it was more difficult to pinpoint his exact location. Until today. I stride into the classroom, late, startling the professor and the class. “Hello. I’m Sadie, I’m sorry I’m late”, my actual name is Bahiti but Ancient Egyptian names make people uncomfortable. I seek out the eyes of Michael Olson and find them. I sigh in relief for there is my Khafra and his eyes of emerald green with flecks of gold. Michael smiles at me, not in recognition, just in a wow you’re beautiful way. The girl beside him grabs his arm territoriality, that must be Lila, the girlfriend. For now.
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In the 2nd week of my writing class we discussed “openings” and what goes into a good opening. We also discussed different genres of writing and were tasked with stepping out of our comfort zones.
We were given a choice of potential opening lines to incorporate into our piece of writing that we were given only 20 minutes to complete before sharing. The line I chose was “cast a shadow over the lake” and I picked supernatural as my genre. Though as you can see it has potential for a teenage supernatural romance, so not completely out of my comfort zone! The full moon was so bright, that Viktor cast a shadow over the lake. “Wait a second” I gasped, “you’re casting a shadow? I thought Vampires couldn’t?” “I see you’ll believe anything people tell you, Eliana?” he smirked, his vampire teeth poking out over his bottom lips. “I guess I should be looking for those grotesque warts on your face?” He had a point. People are always assuming the worst things about me because I’m a witch. Just so you know, I can’t cast curses. I don’t have a wand. I hate brooms. I don’t even have a black cat. Oh and I didn’t go to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I do cast spells, but with a flick of my wrist, no wand required. Us witches live in covens but go to normal schools, just like other supernaturals. Like Viktor and the vampires. We’re out socializing with the normals. At a “bush party” as they say. There’s a bonfire and a keg. Though we’re here to look like we “fit in”. We don’t actually talk much to them all, it’s this kind of rule we have. No standing out too much but also don’t get too close to them. No one knows we’re not like them and we’re to keep it like that, so we’re just involved enough not to raise suspicions. “Very funny,” I bite back at him, “what did you want anyways?” “I was bored,” he said haughtily, “entertain me with your antics” “My antics” I hissed, my blood boiling. There’s just something about Viktor that gets me riled up everytime “what about you, Mr. I’m so handsome and sophisticated but still such a spoiled brat. Why I can’t…” “You think I’m handsome?” he interrupts that damn smirk getting ever smirkier. Is that even a word? Argh he gets me so riled up that my vocabulary goes out the window. “Just kidding, Eliana,” he says to calm me down. It doesn’t work, the way he says my name gives me goosebumps. “I thought maybe we could talk about Mrs Ander’s assignment, we’ll need to come up with a plan on how we’re going to tackle it” “Oh don’t remind me” I sigh, Mrs Ander’s partnered the two of us up on this stupid writing assignment for our Journalism course, one where we spend 2 weeks shadowing and interviewing as if we were writing a profile on the other person. I’m so annoyed that I got partnered with him, but I guess it could’ve been worse. It would’ve been really interesting if I got paired up with a normal. “Hey at least we aren’t Jakob, he got partnered with Jessica, a vampire and a cheerleader, he’s going to have to hide the coffins” he said to me with a wink. No coffins, another myth I guess. In my experience, all job search problems can be put into 1 of 3 categories:
1. A problem with your confidence 2. A problem with your job search strategy 3. A problem with accountability So when a problem pops up like, the first step to solving it is figuring out which category it belongs to like: hating talking about yourself (confidence) only applying on Job Boards (strategy) making a plan and not following through (accountability) When it becomes super simple to pinpoint and solve your problems, the ability to find not just a job but a career you love become inevitable instead of impossible. Head on over here to watch this week’s YouTube, How to Solve Any Job Search problem to become a master problem solver. To join the Career You Love Academy and get the support you need, click here. |
AuthorSara Curto is the career coach that has helped 600+ people find their dream job, where they work less, make more and finally feel happy & fulfilled doing work they love. Free: how to find your dream job guideClick HERE to grab the free guide
January 2025