The weather is perfect. Sun’s out, there's a light breeze with not a single cloud in sight. A perfect day to spend outside, maybe at the beach or on a patio. Definitely not indoors in our cubicles. But alas, that is exactly where we find ourselves. And it sucks. It is really hard to motivate ourselves when the only thing we want to do is shut up shop and head outdoors to enjoy the summer weather. Especially when winter seems to last FOREVER, am I right? We don’t come in excited, the daily drudgery of our work has us feeling low and our creative juices have dried up. But, if we ARE going to be stuck inside, we may as well do something with this time instead of wasting the hours away until quitting. Let’s ignite that spark and make a difference using one (or more) of these ways to make that happen. 1. Create a BIG Goal
Now is not the time to be too realistic, now is the time to go big since going home isn’t an option. What would you LOVE to do in your job – what would make you excited, leave you feeling super proud and make a difference all at the same time? Let’s break that goal down to some smaller steps so that you can actually make it happen. A great place to start is to create a rough plan of the who, what, how and why of the goal. Who you need to talk to and engage. What needs to get done. How you are going to do it. Why this needs to be done. 2. Learn Something New Some workplaces get slow in the summer, making the days seem even longer. If there is no big goal on your mind, maybe use that time to learn a skill that will benefit you. You don’t have to enroll in any big course or anything. Check out conferences or webinars. If there is no money for it, check out some free options such as Lynda (free through your library) or EdX. You could also ask about the potential of job shadowing others within your company. 3. Do Something Fun Schedule a fun event during work hours – like a fun lunch out, drinks after work (on that patio!) or a picnic in the park. Enjoy the weather when you can by getting out during lunch or walking outside to grab a cup of coffee. 4. Ask for Constructive Criticism It isn’t always fun hearing constructive criticism but one thing is for certain – it usually motivates us to improve and do better! Schedule a meeting with your manager and ask for their feedback and direction. Tell them your frustrations, your goals and ask for their advice on how you can do and be better. Then make plans to tackle the problem head on. 5. Schedule What You Loathe Every job has aspects to it that we absolutely hate. And during the summer that hatred seems to grow like crazy. Get it over with. Schedule it in, ideally first thing in the morning. Get it done so that you can stop dreading it and enjoy the rest of your day. 6. Celebrate Yourself Reward yourself for sticking it out, for accomplishing things and for showing up. It can be as simple as bragging to a friend or coworker, enjoying an ice cream cone during lunch or updating your summer work wardrobe with some of the latest fashion trends. 7. Find a Mentor or Mentee A sure way to boost your morale AND your career is by finding someone who can help you or finding someone that you can help. Set up regular meetings with someone to discuss your career, getting or giving actionable advice, and figuring out the right next step. 8. Leave on Time We all have to work late sometimes, that’s life. But we can try and make it a priority during the summer to leave right at 5pm so that we can enjoy those last few hours of sunlight. And fill up your evenings and weekends with your favourite summer activities, that way you don’t feel like you are missing out on all the fun while at work. If work is quite busy, consider going in early! 9. Take some time to Reflect Is summer to blame for your lack of motivation? Be honest with yourself. If not, then maybe it is time for something new – a new career, a new job, a new industry. Consider working with a Career Coach to gain some clarity on your future. Schedule a call to see if come September, you should be starting to get serious about your next move.
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AuthorSara Curto is the career coach that has helped 600+ people find their dream job, where they work less, make more and finally feel happy & fulfilled doing work they love. Free: how to find your dream job guideClick HERE to grab the free guide
January 2025