The resume.
That annoyingly super important document that helps us find jobs. It really is the foundation of the future of our career as our current and future job searches depend on it to open up new doors for us. If only it didn’t leave our heads spinning: • What is it supposed to look like? • What do I put in it? • Who reads it? • What’s this about Applicant Tracking systems. • How many pages is it even supposed to be • And • On • And • On The questions, the opinions, the advice is truly endless. So I come at resumes from 2 ways. As a recruiter. I spent 15 years reading 100k+ resumes and watching hiring managers read them. So I think about them from the lenses of those readers (including the Applicant Tracking System). How can we make it easy and exciting to read. I also think about them as a Certified Professional Resume Writer, the trends, stats and data that informs our resumes for today but also for tomorrow. Also, as a writer of resumes, I think about them from that point of view – how can we make it easy and exciting to write. I’ve combined that to offer you something juicy: Two of my most popular and effective resume templates (out of the 20 I’ve created). A checklist outlining my 3 easy steps to writing a resume that wows. I’m giving this away. For free. Just because. The process will make writing the resume easy and enjoyable. The template will make it easy and enjoyable to read. The result? You getting more interviews. 2022 is the year that you find work you love and I’m doing everything in my power to help you. To grab yours to use now (or in the future – these won’t be around forever!), click here.
You’re doing everything in your job search:
• Applying to jobs you want • Your resume is pretty good • You’ve interviewed some • You’re even networking But no offers. And things seem to have petered off some and you’re at a loss at what you can do next. Let’s have some fun with your job search by thinking outside the box and trying something new. Watch this week’s Job Search Training to hear about these 5 unique and innovative ideas: 1. Start Your Own Networking Group 2. Create a Video Resume 3. Give Back (aka Volunteer) 4. Knock on Doors 5. Take Advantage of everyday moments. Click here to watch! You want to network.
It’s just that it seems so time consuming, and confusing and you just don’t know what you should do. This week in my mini training, I’m teaching you my super simple system of Networking. It only takes 5 minutes a day and can be done by anyone (looking for a job or not!). Here’s what you’ll learn: Day 1: Be Thankful Day 2: Offer Help Day 3: Engage Day 4: Ask for Help Day 5: Be Bold I’m excited for you to implement it! Click here to watch the video! |
AuthorSara Curto is the career coach that has helped 600+ people find their dream job, where they work less, make more and finally feel happy & fulfilled doing work they love. Free: how to find your dream job guideClick HERE to grab the free guide
January 2025