The first couple of months that I started my business, I was doing what a lot of people do when they start something new. I was following lots of experts, reading their articles, using their free resources and trying to take their generalized advice and make it work for my specific circumstances. I felt like I was putting together a puzzle but all the pieces didn’t really fit. Which left me constantly questioning my work, tweaking it and all around just feeling lost and confused. It wasn’t until I finally sucked it up and realized that I needed to INVEST in myself and my business that I felt confident and saw the growth I wanted. I picked a coach that made sense for my business model and have never looked back. I got the clarity I needed and was able to grow my business much faster than I had anticipated and have had more success like being featured in numerous articles, writing for my peers and even interviewed on Blog Talk Radio. As someone who is super frugal and who wants to do it themselves, it was really hard to suck it up and make the investment. I know I’m not alone in that, so I wanted to provide some great reasons why you should consider hiring a Coach (business, career or life). Reason 1: CLARIFY YOUR GOALS
There are a lot of voices out there telling us what we SHOULD want so it is really hard to cut through the noise to tap into our own motivations and figure out what we REALLY want. A coach helps you get crystal clear on how you measure success and happiness and what that means for your future. Reason 2: GET THERE FASTER You know what you want, now you have to make it happen. Having a coach to lean on, to cheer you on and to push you will help you get there faster. Reason 3: PREPARE FOR THE WORST Achieving a goal isn’t as easy as we'd like to believe. It is a tough journey filled with lots of ups and downs. A coach has seen it all, they have supported many on their journeys plus have usually been on a journey of their own. That means that they know the lows you are about to face and can help prepare you for them. On top of all that, they are there to support you during those tough times. Reason 4: THE TOOLBOX Coaches have a toolbox, full of strategies, perspectives, tips and tricks, making it easier to navigate your journey. Reason 5: SUPPORT SYSTEM A major key to success is having a strong support system, one that is there for you but one that is also there to keep you accountable. Regular meetings with a coach keeps you on track. Reason 6: SETS YOU UP FOR SUCCESS We all have bad habits, ones that prevent you from making your dreams a reality. A coach will help you figure out what those are and provide support and tips on replacing those habits with ones that support your path to success not destroy it. Reason 7: SAVES YOU TIME When you give up an hour a week to a coach you’ll actually gain time. Allowing you more work/life balance or time to achieve those goals. Coaches help you figure out time management and how to say “No” to yourself and others. Reason 8: UNLOCK YOUR INNER WISDOM When we clear away voices that aren’t ours, develop helpful habits and free up time, an amazing thing happens. We unlock our own inner wisdom that will help guide us in our careers and lives. Reason 9: BE THE BEST YOU We hold ourselves back in so many ways. A coach helps you live the life YOU want and help you face FEAR and to push you out of your comfort zone so that you can achieve those careers and lives that you are looking for. I know that my clients have been helped in these ways as I have been through my own work with my coach. Finding a coach that you connect with, trust and whose opinion you value is vital. To see if I am that person for you, schedule a free Discover Your Career strategy call. |
AuthorSara Curto is the career coach that has helped 600+ people find their dream job, where they work less, make more and finally feel happy & fulfilled doing work they love. Free: how to find your dream job guideClick HERE to grab the free guide
January 2025